Well y'all I finally took the plunge and
bought helped pay for a Kindle DX! I admit I prefer good ol' paperback books to an ebook any day, but if a publisher wants to send me an ebook I am more than happy to oblige. Do you own a Kindle? If so how do you like it? Any tips on keeping it clean (this always seems to be such a big problem for me)? It will arrive this Saturday and I can hardly wait...to start reading those darn ebooks I already have access to! :D
Happy Thursday (already?!)
Congrats! I got the Kindle last Friday too (with my birthday $$$ and I love it! I'm actually going to be reviewing it on Monday on the blog, so I'd love to hear your opinion on it too :)
I have yet to update from standard books to the Kindle yet; but I am definitely contemplating it soon. Such a space saver!! :)
That's so great. I am still homeless when it comes to an ebook reader. I still can't believe my Sony Reader crapped out on me! I do have my eyes and my money set on getting a kindle. Best Buy is now selling them which is fantastic because you don't have to wait for shipping. And I am not ashamed to say that I pick one up, walk around the store with it hugged to my chest, and then regretfully put it back on the shelf before leaving the store!
Great purchase! I had been thinking about getting a Kindle as well. I love the idea of just being able to tote that around and reading from it wherever I am. But I just feel like I'd miss that feeling of having a real book in my hands, you know? Maybe I'll get one some day though! :)
For now, I do have the free Kindle app for Android though. I actually like using that to preview books I want to buy.
I had no idea how fleeting my 20s would be. Thankfully, I had a blast. Live life to the fullest lady. Your 20s have endless potential!
I'm still holding out... ManOfTheHouse would love me to switch over to an e-reader (to avoid having to build more bookshelves mostly) but I just can't imagine not being able to smell my books as I read... or stick a little note on the page to review later.
being a book reviewer though - I'm going to have to get with the times eventually...
let me know how you like it... especially that eye strain thing... do I REALLY need more screen time in my day??? (says the blogger/facebook addict)
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