Some of you may have read my tweet stating I was thinking of switching majors, well folks I have decided to make the switch! My current major is Finance, I chose it for all the wrong reasons. Looking back now I don't really know what I was thinking, I've worked in an office setting before and didn't really like it (except for the clothes)

I thought about it (a lot) and have made the decision to major in Early Childhood Education! I cannot wait to begin taking the actual courses, for some reason California requires teachers to take a course on the United States Constitution.
I thought about it (a lot) and have made the decision to major in Early Childhood Education! I cannot wait to begin taking the actual courses, for some reason California requires teachers to take a course on the United States Constitution.
I LOVED History all through my middle/high school days so that one is a piece of cake. I'm going to try getting a part time job at a preschool to start getting a feel for it, I love kids! I don't why I never considered being a teacher before, when I was in elementary school it was one of my top picks for future profession, along with pop star(!) and billionaire :D
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Happy Thursday!
I'm glad you were able to make a decision about your major! Switching it to something you truly love will make you so much happier. I wish you the best of luck! :)
When I was little I actually did want to be a teacher, even though I hated school. Lol.
I'm glad that you are following your heart! College is too expensive to major in something you do not want to do. Gosh, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a psychologist. I loved studying social behavior. How I landed up as an accountant still bewilders me!
I'm so glad you're switching majors!! Follow your gut, I wish I had when I was in school, instead of doing the next "best thing" :)
What an amazing decision! I took a ton of Early Childhood Education classes and loved them all (they go fairly well with Psychology majors). I'm so glad that you decided to change majors!! :)
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